MSA® 815359 GME Chemical and Combination Cartridge, R95/N95, Bayonet Connection
Item #BC591626

MSA® GME Chemical and Combination Cartridge, Protective Type: Organic Vapor, Chlorine, Sulfur Dioxide, Chlorine Dioxide, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, Methylamine, Formaldehyde, Hydrogen Fluoride, Approved for: OV, CL, SD, CD, HC, AM, FM, HF, Connection: Bayonet, Filter Grade: R95, N95, Color Code: Olive, For Use With: Advantage® Series Air Purifying Respirator, Standards: NIOSH Approved, Applications: For Asbestos Abatement, Welding, Sanding and Grinding, Painting
  • Advantage® respirator cartridges use a bayonet-style design for easy mounting
  • With low-lug height and lead-in connectors, the cartridges lock into place with only a single twist
  • Advantage® line of particulate, chemical, and combination cartridges are lightweight, low profile performance
  • Cartridges fit both 200 LS half mask and 3000 full-facepiece Advantage® respirators
  • Respirator cartridges feature bayonet-style design for quick mounting
  • Cartridges lock into place with one twist
  • Complete range compatible with all MSA Advantage® facepieces
ItemGME Chemical and Combination Cartridge
Protective TypeOrganic Vapor, Chlorine, Sulfur Dioxide, Chlorine Dioxide, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, Methylamine, Formaldehyde, Hydrogen Fluoride
Approved forOV, CL, SD, CD, HC, AM, FM, HF
Filter GradeR95, N95
Color CodeOlive
For Use WithAdvantage® Series Air Purifying Respirator
StandardsNIOSH Approved
ApplicationsFor Asbestos Abatement, Welding, Sanding and Grinding, Painting